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Avantprojecte de la llei de muntanya

Consulta pública prèvia sobre l'Avantprojecte de la llei de Muntanya

Phase 2 of 2
Retorn 28/09/2022 - 28/10/2022
Process phases

Per a garantir un desenvolupament just i equitatiu de la muntanya respecte al conjunt del territori

27/09/2022 21:02  

Des de l’Associació de Micropobles de Catalunya (MdC) creiem necessari i imprescindible que l’Agenda Rural de Catalunya s’integrin a dins de la nova llei de muntanya adaptant-les, com no pot ser d’una altra manera, a la idiosincràsia dels territoris que aquesta llei ha de legislar. Proposem un document elaborat per la Sectorial de Territori de MdC.

Endorsements count0

Reference: II-PROP-2022-09-84824
Version number 1 (of 1) see other versions

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Striving for a just and balanced mountain development is essential in fostering harmony within the entire territory. By prioritizing the sustainable growth of mountainous regions, we contribute to the overall well https://barcelonaclubs.com/night-clubs/downtown-barcelona/ being of our landscape. This approach embraces the unique attributes of mountains while respecting the interconnectedness of the larger territory, creating a harmonious coexistence that benefits all.

The Associació de Micropobles de Catalunya (MdC) believes it’s crucial to integrate the Rural Agenda of Catalonia into the new mountain law, ensuring it aligns with the unique characteristics of the territories it will govern. MdC proposes a document drafted by their Territorial Sectorial to support this integration. This approach aims to address the specific needs and challenges of rural areas, promoting balanced territorial development and cohesion.

Best Regards,

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