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Pressupostos participatius DA 2025

Per fer propostes de serveis i projectes de millora de l'espai de treball del Districte Administratiu

Phase 4 of 6
Votació 06/12/2024 - 16/01/2025
Process phases Vota

Budget rules

  • Select at least 1 and up to 5 projects you want and vote according to your preferences to define the budget.
Total votes 5
Assigned: 0 / 5


Maximum projects exceeded

This project exceeds the maximum number of projects and cannot be added. If you want, you can delete a project you have already selected, in order to be able to vote again according to your preferences.

Confirm vote

These are the projects you have chosen to be part of the budget.

If you change your mind, you can change your vote later.

Adquisició de dispensadors de productes menstruals a les plantes del DA

Budget €5,000
Reference: -PROJ-2024-12-74

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Contractació de dispensadors de productes menstruals (un per planta) i subministrament de material necessari.

Proposals included in this project


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