Youth & Climate Forum
Youth & Climate Mediterranean+25 Virtual Forum
9-11 December
Three-day partnership-building activity that will gather young-led organisations/entities/associations/networks from the Euro-Mediterranean region, as well as young leaders, in order to discuss, rethink and develop joint actions for the climate emergency in the Mediterranean.
This forum encourages north-south cooperation with the participation of 150-200 young people from both shores of the Mediterranean and will organize several workshops, debates, round tables and activities, as well as plenary sessions to exchange results and draw conclusions.
The Forum will adopt different social, political, cultural, scientific and artistic perspectives, working on 6 thematic areas related to climate:
The 6 thematic workshops are:
Activism, social movements and civil society
Cities, young people and sustainability
Digitalisation and innovative solutions for the climate emergency
Global justice, migration and gender
Influencing decision-making
Transformative economies
At the time of registration, each participant must choose three topics in order of preference and the organization will decide the people who will participate in each workshop. There will only be one workshop per person and each workshop will last 6 hours spread over three 2-hour sessions, as what is expected is a deep and joint work in each of the workshops.
Objectives of each workshop:
To develop part of the contents related to the specific theme: context, concepts, debates, etc.
To facilitate the exchange of experiences of all the participants in each workshop and detect whether the initiatives can be applied in other contexts within the Mediterranean.
To create a network among the initiatives around the Mediterranean with the objective of creating a joint project, if possible.
Each workshop will be facilitated by an organization / entity / institution / actor that, in turn, will provide content to the specific activity. These entities will be Catalan, Euro-Mediterranean and Southern Mediterranean
Forum languages will be French and English with simultaneous translation (workshops and climate declaration). During the plenary sessions (institutional welcome, openign lecture, roundt able and institutional closure) there will be simultaneous translation into Spanish and Catalan too.
Eligibility criteria
The following criteria will be considered when choosing and evaluating the profiles of the young participants:
They must be between 16 and 30 years of age.
Be a national of a Euro-Med country.
Residein one of the Euro-Med countries.
Understand English and French and be able to express themselves in those languages.
Present a project/activity/initiative/idea related to the environment. Priority will be given to candidates that submit initiatives with a real or potential positive impact, applicable to the euro Mediterraneanregion and sustainable over time.
Membership in a group dealing with climate matters or other regional networks active in Mediterranean climate challenges will be considered.
Youth & Climate Forum
General objective: Provide tools and a space for Mediterranean youth to work together on different climate-related areas, develop their projects ideas, and establish joint actionson fighting climate change and social transformation.
Specific objectives:
Create a space for exchange of experiences, action(both face-to-face and virtual activism) and project building on the impact of climate and environmental change in the Mediterranean basin.
Promote networking between youth entities, organisations and platformscommitted to sustainable development from both shores of the Mediterranean.
Form a permanent group of Catalan young leaders in order to work on the region’s climate challenges while contributing to international and regional climate activities and participating to the Euro-Mediterranean Climate Agenda.
Foster strategic alliances between the Catalan platform and other young-led platforms and networks, such as the Mediterranean Youth Climate Network (MYCN).
Promote young people participation in the Euro-Mediterranean regional agenda by bringing them closer to the main actors in regional cooperation, such as the UfM; Euro-Mediterranean networks committed to promoting the democratic participation of young people, such as the ICM-CPMR, and associations /foundations of Mediterranean citizenship, institutions, etc...
Give young people a voice in political decision-making,facilitating the impact of their actions in the political sphere
PROGRAM - Youth&Climate Forum MED+25