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La qualitat acústica i de cel nocturn del Parc Natural de la Serra de Montsant a debat

#PNMontsant Procés participatiu per elaborar el pla de mesures per preservar i millorar la qualitat acústica i del cel nocturn del Parc Natural de la Serra de Montsant

Fase 3 de 3
Retorn 01/08/2023 - 31/12/2023
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Propostes recollides en el debat de 18 de juliol 2023 (Prades) (2 de 4)

31/07/2023 19:12  

A falta de les actes de les reunions presencials dels dies 18, 21 i 26 de juliol, simplement voldria deixar constància dels punts més rellevants que es varen comentar en la reunió del dia 26 de juliol de 2023:

2.- Manca de formació en normativa contra la contaminació lumínica a personal tècnic/administratiu de les administracions locals

Referència: II-PROP-2023-07-87013
Versió 1 (de 1) veure altres versions

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In Prades, a diverse array of proposals was collected, reflecting a broad spectrum of perspectives and priorities. Participants engaged in robust discussions on topics ranging from local economic development to environmental sustainability. Among the key proposals https://apkblings.com/ were initiatives aimed at enhancing community engagement through improved digital infrastructure and public spaces. Additionally, there were strong recommendations for fostering sustainable tourism practices to preserve the region's natural beauty while promoting economic growth. The debate underscored the need for collaborative approaches to address both immediate concerns and long-term goals, ensuring that the voices of various stakeholders were considered in shaping the future of Prades.

The debate held on July 18, 2023, in Prades, focused on various proposals, particularly in the context of local governance, environmental https://apkyup.com.tr/ sustainability, and community development.

Comentari esborrat el 17/09/2024 04:51

It sounds like you're referring to specific proposals or points discussed during a debate that took place on July 18, 2023, in Prades. Since I don't have direct access to event records, could you provide more details about https://pellepelleleathers.com/men-jackets/ the debate? This might include the topics discussed or the specific context you're referring to. That way, I can better assist you with the information or analysis you need.

The Serra de Montsant Natural Park faces debate over its acoustic and night sky quality due to concerns about noise pollution from https://manoknapulamodapk.org/ tourism and light pollution affecting the visibility of stars. Balancing conservation with these impacts is a key issue.

In the July 18, 2023 debate, proposals were gathered with a strong focus on advancing https://www.sundyne.com/sundyne-pumps-and-compressors-for-sustainable-aviation-fuel-and-renewable-diesel-production/ (SAF) to reduce aviation's environmental impact.

The acoustic and night sky quality of Serra de Montsant Natural Park is being discussed as part of a participatory process to develop a plan of measures. Sustainable development practices, like minimizing noise pollution and preserving dark skies, are crucial to maintaining the park’s environmental integrity.

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