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La qualitat acústica i de cel nocturn del Parc Natural de la Serra de Montsant a debat

#PNMontsant Procés participatiu per elaborar el pla de mesures per preservar i millorar la qualitat acústica i del cel nocturn del Parc Natural de la Serra de Montsant

Phase 3 of 3
Retorn 01/08/2023 - 31/12/2023
Process phases

Propostes recollides en el debat de 18 de juliol 2023 (Prades) (3 de 4)

31/07/2023 19:13  

A falta de les actes de les reunions presencials dels dies 18, 21 i 26 de juliol, simplement voldria deixar constància dels punts més rellevants que es varen comentar en la reunió del dia 26 de juliol de 2023:

3.- Proposta de modificació legal: obligar a que totes les ordenances municipals de urbanisme obliguin a complir la legislació relativa a contaminació lumínica quan es concedeixin noves llicències d’obres

Reference: II-PROP-2023-07-87014
Version number 1 (of 1) see other versions

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Thank you for your article. This tool can help users and minimize negative impacts on lighting, especially urban planning and permitting concessions for new construction or other requirements. bridge.

The debate held on July 18, 2023, in Prades, featured a diverse range of proposals that aimed to address various pressing issues. Among the key points discussed, there was a strong focus on enhancing local infrastructure and promoting sustainable development. Several participants proposed initiatives to improve public transportation and increase accessibility for residents. Others advocated for green energy projects and eco-friendly practices to reduce the community's https://chameliflower.com/jasmine-plant-pests/ carbon footprint. Additionally, there were discussions on boosting economic opportunities through support for local businesses and fostering innovation. The debate highlighted a collective commitment to advancing the region's well-being while ensuring long-term environmental and economic sustainability.

Thank you for your insightful contribution regarding the proposals discussed in the July 26, 2023 meeting. The legal amendment proposal to ensure all municipal planning ordinances enforce compliance with light pollution legislation during the issuance of new building licenses is a significant step forward. Such measures will not only protect the environment but also promote sustainable urban development. We appreciate your focus on these crucial aspects and look forward to further discussions on this important matter. Must Listen Music on Spotify Pro App ( https://www.spotiofficial.com/ )

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