" class="part-icon-bars">

Asamblea Ciudadana por el Clima de Catalunya

#AssembleaClimaCAT Tu voz es cambio

Fase 4 de 4
Fase de valoración y retorno 12/02/2024 - 01/12/2024
Fases del proceso

Cambios en "5. Deliberación y elaboración de recomendaciones"

Comparar el modo de visualización:

Día y hora de finalización

  • -2024-01-27 18:00:00 +0100
  • +2024-01-27 18:30:00 +0100
  • -2024-01-27 18:00:00 +0100
  • +2024-01-27 18:30:00 +0100
  • -2024-01-27 18:00:00 +0100
  • +2024-01-27 18:30:00 +0100
  • -2024-01-27 18:00:00 +0100
  • +2024-01-27 18:30:00 +0100

Día y hora de inicio

  • -2024-01-27 10:00:00 +0100
  • +2024-01-27 10:30:00 +0100
  • -2024-01-27 10:00:00 +0100
  • +2024-01-27 10:30:00 +0100
  • -2024-01-27 10:00:00 +0100
  • +2024-01-27 10:30:00 +0100
  • -2024-01-27 10:00:00 +0100
  • +2024-01-27 10:30:00 +0100

Descripción (English)

  • -

    This session will continue with the deliberative process of the assembly, and will continue with the formulation of the citizens' consensus-based proposals and recommendations.

  • +

    This session will continue with the deliberative process of the assembly, and will continue with the formulation of the citizens' consensus-based proposals and recommendations.

  • -<p> This session will continue with the deliberative process of the assembly, and will continue with the formulation of the citizens' consensus-based proposals and recommendations.</p><p> </p>
  • +<p>This session will continue with the deliberative process of the assembly, and will continue with the formulation of the citizens' consensus-based proposals and recommendations.</p>
  • -

    This session will continue with the deliberative process of the assembly, and will continue with the formulation of the citizens' consensus-based proposals and recommendations.

  • +

    This session will continue with the deliberative process of the assembly, and will continue with the formulation of the citizens' consensus-based proposals and recommendations.

  • -<p> This session will continue with the deliberative process of the assembly, and will continue with the formulation of the citizens' consensus-based proposals and recommendations.</p><p> </p>
  • +<p>This session will continue with the deliberative process of the assembly, and will continue with the formulation of the citizens' consensus-based proposals and recommendations.</p>
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Avatar: Núria Pérez Núria Pérez
Versión creada el 02/11/2023 15:51