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Consulta pública prèvia a l’elaboració de l’avantprojecte de llei de turisme

Consulta pública prèvia a l’elaboració de l’avantprojecte de llei de turisme

Fase 3 de 3
Retorn 03/12/2021 - 04/05/2022
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Igualdad de oportunidades

01/12/2021 17:16  
No permitir la discriminación por razón de origen, género y edad en el sector turístico. No se encuentran personas en atención al cliente con edades comprendidas entre 45-65 años. La mayoría que se dedican al sector turístico son de origen centro-Sudamérica, pero no se ven representados en lugares de trabajo de responsabilidad, quedan trabajando en perfiles básicos por falta de oportunidades. Apenas se encuentran altas directivas en las empresas turísticas.
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Referència: II-PROP-2021-12-83035
Versió 1 (de 1) veure altres versions

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Equal opportunities refer to the principle that all individuals should have the same chances to access resources, opportunities, and treatment regardless of their background, characteristics, or circumstances. Equal opportunities are essential for creating a fair, just, and prosperous society where everyone has https://lillestromflytt.no/kontorflytting/ the chance to reach their full potential.

Equal opportunities refer to the principle that all individuals should have the same chances to pursue and achieve their goals without discrimination or unfair barriers based on personal characteristics such as race, gender, age, disability, religion, or socioeconomic status. This concept is crucial in various https://emiratesinside.org/ contexts, including education, employment, and social services.

Public consultation is a critical process in the development of legislation, particularly in sectors as dynamic and multifaceted as tourism. Before drafting a tourism law, it is essential to engage various stakeholders, including industry professionals, local communities, tourists, environmental groups, and government agencies. This ensures that the law is comprehensive, balanced, and reflective of the https://gloinfo.ng/how-to-check-account-balance-on-glo/ diverse interests and needs within the tourism sector.

Conversa amb Cora9881

Equal opportunities refer to the principle that all individuals should have the same chances and access to resources, opportunities, and rights, regardless of their background, identity, or personal characteristics. This concept is foundational in various social, educational, and professional contexts, promoting fairness https://www.exploria.pk/tours/hunza-tour-packages/ and inclusivity by ensuring that everyone can compete on a level playing field.

I think a few additional points can help to illustrate the scope and depth of the concept of equal opportunities, emphasizing its significance in building a just and equitable society.
Merit-Based Advancement, Access to Resources, Anti-Discrimination, Accommodations and Support, Anti-Discrimination, Legal Frameworks

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