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La contribució de Catalunya al desenvolupament global

#ParticipaCooperació Encarem els reptes de la cooperació catalana al desenvolupament

Phase 5 of 5
Retorn 01/07/2019 - 28/01/2020
Process phases

Barcelona international development professionals

Avatar: Official meeting Official meeting
19/07/2018 13:27   15 comments
30 October 2018
18:00 - 20:00

Confirmeu la vostra inscripció.

21 slots remaining
Reference: II-MEET-2018-07-31
Version number 2 (of 2) see other versions

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Some time ago, the “Barcelona international development professionals” group was established using the Meetup platform, as a space where those involved in international development work and living in Barcelona or surrounding areas can commune, share, and socialize. The group’s goal is to serve as a hub for people working in areas of social justice, global health, sustainable development, international education, human rights, environment and establish a Barcelona-based network of international development professionals.

The Visió 2030 process has proposed the Barcelona international development professionals group to meet together and discuss the trends and outlook in international development, and the role that Catalan cooperation policy can play in the new context. The scene will be set with a synthetic presentation of the main features of Catalan development cooperation. The session will be in English and is open to all development professionals and interested persons also outside the Meetup group.

Departament de Polítiques Digitals i Administració Pública
Via Laietana, 26 08003 Barcelona

Attending participants

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Factors to Consider For Food Delivery Mobile App Development
There are a number of factors that should be considered when developing a food delivery mobile app. One of the most important is how the food will be delivered.This will ensure that the food will be delivered quickly and without any hassle. Another important factor to consider is the user experience. Users should be able to customize their food order. If you're interested in reading more about mobile food delivery apps, I recommend visiting this page https://northell.design/blog/food-delivery-app-development . Here you will not only find a lot of useful information, but also save your time.

Before building a food delivery mobile application, it is essential to first evaluate your idea. This will enable you to understand its purpose and target audience. You should also conduct research on the competitors and their marketing strategies.

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