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La qualitat acústica i de cel nocturn del Parc Natural de la Serra de Montsant a debat

#PNMontsant Procés participatiu per elaborar el pla de mesures per preservar i millorar la qualitat acústica i del cel nocturn del Parc Natural de la Serra de Montsant

Phase 3 of 3
Retorn 01/08/2023 - 31/12/2023
Process phases

Propostes recollides en el debat de 18 de juliol 2023 (Prades) (1 de 4)

31/07/2023 19:10  

A falta de les actes de les reunions presencials dels dies 18, 21 i 26 de juliol, simplement voldria deixar constància dels punts més rellevants que es varen comentar en la reunió del dia 26 de juliol de 2023:

1.- Manca de senyalització relativa a la contaminació lumínica en l’entorn del Parc i a la distinció StarLight

Reference: II-PROP-2023-07-87012
Version number 1 (of 1) see other versions

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Conversation with becejo

It seems like your request is a bit unclear, but I'll try to provide an answer. If you're looking for proposals collected in a debate or information related to a topic, please specify the topic or provide more context. Additionally, you mentioned "dude theft wars mod menu" in your request, which seems to be related to a specific video game mod. If you have a question or need information about that, feel free to ask, and I'll do my best to help!

If you're looking for proposals collected in a debate and would like a PDF download, it would be helpful to provide more specific information about the debate topic or context. Additionally, please clarify how you want the proposals presented in the answer.

If you have specific proposals or points you'd like information on, feel free to provide more details, and I'll do my best to assist you.
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