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Projecte Decret del Registre dels CET de Catalunya

#ProjecteDecretRegistreCET Consulta pública prèvia a l’elaboració d’un projecte de decret pel qual es regula el Registre de Centres Especials de Treball de Catalunya

Phase 1 of 2
Introduction 17/06/2024 - 17/07/2024
Process phases

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About this process

This process belongs to Regulation

The objective of the civic participation, of the companies, of the Third Sector of Catalonia and of the area of the recruitment public is to collect the proposals and suggestions that improve the contents and the writing of the project of decree by which the Record is regulated of Special Employment Centers of Catalonia referring to:
The challenges and the benefits| that the implementation of a new Record of Special Employment Centers of Catalonia will mean.
The challenges and the benefits of the qualification and inscription of the CETIS in the Record of Special employment Centers of Work of Catalonia
The requirements and the conditions that they consider necessary for the good functioning of the Record of Special Employment Centers of Catalonia.

The General Direction of Social and Solidary Economy, and the Cooperativism of the Department of Company and Work starts the process of civic participation in the elaboration of the rules, regulated in the article 69 of Law 19/2014, of the 29 December, of transparency, access to the public information and good government, for the elaboration of the mentioned decree.

This process of civic participation aims that the project of Decree that finally is processed and approves has taken into account all opinions, restlessness and proposals of the potential consignee of the rule.


Proposals See all proposals (5)

Vegeu, en el document adjunt, la contribució de l'Autoritat Catalana de la Competència.
Des de Dincat donem suport a la voluntat del Govern de la Generalitat de Catalunya de...
Taxa per tràmits: NO. És més cost pel CETCET amb una personalitat jurídica pròpia: NO. Encareix...
Aportaciones FEACEM a la consulta publica sobre la elaboración del Proyecto Decreto del Registro de los CET de Cataluña
En el documento adjunto, se presentan las aporaciones de FEACEM al Proyecto Decreto del Registro...
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  • Comments count: 0
See all proposals (5)
Department Departament d'Empresa i Treball
Promoter group Departament d'Empresa i Treball
Promoting unit Direcció general d'Economia Social i Solidària, i el Cooperativisme
Has summary unit No
Start date June 17, 2024
End date July 31, 2024
Reference: II-PART-2024-05-697

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