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avatar Marks Henry

Marks Henry

Mold is one of the worst enemies your home can have. Once growth begins, it can spread and grow on your clothes, furniture, interior surfaces, carpets and sub floors, and many other places. Remediation is the process of removing the fungal contaminated building materials from the project site. The remediation effort should be accomplished in a controlled environment. The preparations to the affected areas normally involve the isolation of the space from the remainder of the building in order to prevent the cross-contamination of unaffected areas. All penetrations, doorways, and vents are sealed off prior to the removal of the affected materials. Engineering controls, including air filtration devices, decontamination chambers, and HEPA filter equipped power tools are used to perform the actual demolition and removal. The affected materials are then removed and sealed in bags before being removed from the work area. All exposed surfaces are HEPA vacuumed and cleaned to remove any residual mold spores which may be present.

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