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avatar Ninja Microwave

Ninja Microwave

Ninja Microwave is an online platform where anyone can share recipes and any other kind of food-related information. We have a large database of food and diet-related articles through which anyone can be fit and healthy. Food is one of the main aspects of our daily life and at ninja microwave, we do it with honesty by sharing delicious and healthy food recipes. Feel free to read or if you want to share your own recipes then also we can warmly welcome you. Thank you and happy eating. :)

Les insígnies són reconeixements de les accions de les participants i del progrés en la plataforma. A mesura que comencis a descobrir, participar i interactuar amb la plataforma, n'obtindràs de diferents tipus. Veure totes les insígnies disponibles.

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Trobades a les que has assistit
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Suports a propostes
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