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La lotització dels concursos públics, la proporcionalitat de la solvència amb l’objecte de concurs, la publicació anticipada de les futures licitacions, i la simplificació administrativa. També seria important fer jornades formatives pràctiques i útils dirigides a aquestes entitats i que tinguin com a objectiu incentivar la seva participació en la contractació pública.
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Origen:{"body":{"ca":"<p>La lotització dels concursos públics, la proporcionalitat de la solvència amb l’objecte de concurs, la publicació anticipada de les futures licitacions, i la simplificació administrativa. També seria important fer jornades formatives pràctiques i útils dirigides a aquestes entitats i que tinguin com a objectiu incentivar la seva participació en la contractació pública.</p><p><br></p>"},"title":{"ca":"Facilitar l'accés de les pimes"}}
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Two swimming pools, for adults and children, are available at this 400-room all-inclusive resort in the Dominican Republic. If you're looking for a
dordle place to unwind, the Renova Spa is the place to go. Italian, Japanese, and fusion restaurants are also available nearby in addition to the steakhouse. For those who don't feel like cooking in the mornings, there's an ice cream parlor, as well as bars that serve small plates and cocktails.
I would like to express my gratitude to you for sharing this excellent post. I have to say that I am very impressed with your post because the information provided is both comprehensive and simple to grasp. Your subsequent post will receive a lot of attention from me.
2 comentaris
Two swimming pools, for adults and children, are available at this 400-room all-inclusive resort in the Dominican Republic. If you're looking for a
dordle place to unwind, the Renova Spa is the place to go. Italian, Japanese, and fusion restaurants are also available nearby in addition to the steakhouse. For those who don't feel like cooking in the mornings, there's an ice cream parlor, as well as bars that serve small plates and cocktails.
I would like to express my gratitude to you for sharing this excellent post. I have to say that I am very impressed with your post because the information provided is both comprehensive and simple to grasp. Your subsequent post will receive a lot of attention from me.
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