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Consulta pública prèvia a l’elaboració de l’avantprojecte de llei de turisme

Consulta pública prèvia a l’elaboració de l’avantprojecte de llei de turisme

Fase 3 de 3
Retorn 03/12/2021 - 04/05/2022
Fases del procés

Qualificació informadors turístics

01/12/2021 08:58  
Per treballar d'informador turístic en una oficina de turisme hauria de ser obligatori que tots els informadors disposessin el títol del CFGS Guia, informació i assistències turístiques. Actualment és l'única formació reglada existent que forma a guies i informadors.

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Referència: II-PROP-2021-12-83019
Versió 1 (de 1) veure altres versions

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Becoming a tourist informant, also known as a travel advisor or tourism information officer, involves a mix of education, skills, and personal qualities. Becoming a tourist informant requires a mix of education, experience, and a keen interest https://www.classifiedlinkup.com/ in customer service and tourism. By developing relevant skills, gaining practical experience, and continuously learning, you can build a successful career helping tourists make the most of their travel experiences.

To become a qualified tourist informant, you typically need a strong knowledge of local attractions, culture, and amenities. Additionally, having excellent communication skills and proficiency in multiple languages can be advantageous. Staying updated on weather forecasts and recommending appropriate gear, such as raincoats like the ones available at https://everuniform.com/rain-coat/, adds value to your service.

The proposal for mandatory tourist informant qualifications is a commendable step towards ensuring high standards in tourism services. Well-trained guides significantly enhance the travel experience. In addition to top-tier tourism services, expert women's health care is essential. RoyalDocline e-Clinic offers comprehensive Obstetrics and Gynaecology (OB-GYN) services for women of all ages, ensuring personalized and compassionate care. Visit https://royaldocline.com/ for exceptional health care.

Enhancing tourism services with well-trained guides is indeed vital for an excellent travel experience. Similarly, optimizing your business's online presence with expert SEO services is crucial. SEO Thrive Services offers tailored solutions to improve your search engine rankings and drive organic traffic. By utilizing advanced SEO strategies, we help ensure your business reaches its full potential online.
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