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Citizens' Assembly for Climate of Catalonia

#AssembleaClimaCAT Your voice is change

Phase 4 of 4
Assessment and return phase 12/02/2024 - 01/12/2024
Process phases

1. Inaugural Session and Training

Avatar: Official meeting Official meeting
05/10/2023 11:48   0 comments
18 November 2023
10:30 - 18:30
Reference: II-MEET-2023-07-899
Version number 23 (of 23) see other versions

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The inaugural session of the Citizens' Assembly for Climate will be chaired by the President of the Generalitat de Catalunya, accompanied by the Minister of the Presidency and the Minister for Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda.

There will be an introduction and a presentation of the project, and a summary of the topics discussed by the participants during the assembly.

Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Campus Ciutadella)
C/ de Ramon Trias Fargas, 25, 27, 08005 Barcelona


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